Create an integrated online public access catalog ( OPAC) to include both internal and external resources. 建立一个集成的网上公共获取目录,包括馆内和馆外的知识资源。
This paper puts forward a network management method integrating electronic resources with Online Public Access Catalog system ( OPAC) of the library, which enables the electronic resources to be easily managed and frequently used. 本文提出的一种电子资源和图书馆公共目录查询系统(OPAC)的完全融合网络化管理方案,有利于提高电子文献的利用率和管理。
An automated library system usually consists of a number of functional modules, such as acquisitions, circulation, cataloging, serials, and an OPAC ( Online Public Access Catalog). 自动图书系统包括查询、流通、目录编排和在线公共目录检索(OPAC)等功能模块。